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shaking her

upside down

piggybank earth



Welcome to Trash Panda

Trash Panda is a biannual print journal for the poetic expression of life in the Anthropocene.

This is the home for English haiku/senryu and short form poetry of 17 syllables or less, that doesn't shy away from the reality of nature in the present. 

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What is a Trash Panda?

The Trash Panda (Procyon lotor) is a resilient adapter, thriving in the face of human destruction and interference.

What is the Anthropocene?

Distinguished from previous epochs by the dominating influence of human activity, the Anthropocene is now.

Who is the Editor?

A biologist and haiku poet,

Dr. Lisa Anne Johnson offers Trash Panda as expressive therapy for haiku/senryu and short form poets that see the truth of the decline of nature.

© 2021-2024 by Lisa Anne Johnson

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